Blood Tests

Blood Pathology

At WCVH, we test the majority of our blood pathology samples in our own laboratory, saving time.

However, some specialised tests necessitate off-site analysis, and these samples are sent interstate for processing. Once these samples are analysed, the results are faxed directly back to our Hospital.



Idexx MachineAnalysis of blood biochemistry gives us vital information about the function of your pet’s liver, kidneys, biliary duct system, pancreatic function and electrolyte concentration. Depending upon the clinical presentation of the patient,  the most appropriate of these tests may be undertaken in hospital.

A selection of these tests comprise our pre-anaesthetic blood screen, which we recommend all sick or elderly patients have before undergoing anaesthesia or sedation.

Blood Counts:

Blood counts (or blood cell analysis) give us information about the body’s response to certain diseases. This is usually seen in increases or decreases in the normal range of red and white blood cells, and platelets.

Drug monitoring:

Drug monitoring is important in certain diseases, such as canine epilepsy. In the case of canine epilepsy, phenobarbitone and potassium bromide concentrations are measured at regular intervals. The results of these tests are interpreted in conjunction with the results of a thorough physical examination of the patient, and the seizure history since their last check-up.

Testing for Infectious Diseases:FIV

Many viral diseases can be tested for with a simple blood test. The most common viral test we run at WCVH is the test for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) prior to vaccinating a cat for the first time. Some tests are sent to an outside Laboratory to confirm results of in house tests or check for other viruses, these include Feline Leukemia Virus, and Feline Corona Virus.


 blood test